In view of participants and trainers time availability, it is planned to conduct the trainings on weekends i.e., Saturday and Sunday.

Training timings:

For process engineering: 19:00 - 21:00 *,

For Lean Sixsigma: 10:00 - 16:00

* - Kindly note that based on requests received from multiple participants, the timings for process engineering was changed from 18:00 - 21:00 to 19:00 - 21:00.

Enquiries regarding bulk registrations (i.e., more than 12 participants) from any colleges, please write us at, So that we can arrange a special session with suitable timings.

View / Download Course Brochures:

Process Engineering || Lean Sixsigma Greenbelt || Lean Sixsigma Blackbelt || 

Process Safety Management || Quality Management

Now complete your training & certification on process engineering at your preferable time, Special package added for process engineering, Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt & Process Safety Management interested candidates can register here:

Registration for Process Engineering Training & Certification [Without Live Lectures]

Registration for Process Safety Management Training & Certification [Without Live Lectures]

For Live Lectures Register Here

Select your preferable batch:

Batch - 1: 04/01/2025 - 26/01/2025

Course: Process Engineering

Status: Registrations Closed

Sessions on 04/01/2025, 05/01/2025, 11/01/2025, 12/01/2025, 

18/01/2025, 19/01/2025, 25/01/2025, 26/01/2025

Batch - 2: 22/02/2025 - 16/03/2025

Course: Process Engineering

Status: Registrations Closed

Sessions on 22/02/2025, 23/02/2025, 01/03/2025, 02/03/2025, 

08/03/2025, 09/03/2025, 15/03/2025, 16/03/2025

Batch - 3: 29/03/2025 - 20/04/2025 Register Here 

Course: Process Engineering

Status: Registrations Open

Sessions on 29/03/2025, 30/03/2025, 05/04/2025, 06/04/2025, 

12/04/2025, 13/04/2025, 19/04/2025, 20/04/2025